Tuesday 30 March 2010

Body weight, Banns and Banter!

Sunday was lovely :) We got up after an hours less sleep thanks to the turning back of the clock, got dressed up all smart and headed off to Church. :) We'd been told to turn up before ten, as our Banns would be being read first. When we got there, the congregation were already singing. We were convinced we'd missed it. Thankfully they did it right at the end instead :)

It was really strange, i was so nervous and i knew there was no reason to be! They called both of our full names and pointed us out to everyone :p It was a mixture of embarrassing, nerve racking and exciting :)

After church we pottered off to Thorsby Market and wandered round for a couple of hours :) Had a bite to eat when we got there and did lots of chatting and giggling :) Adam bought me 3 new dresses for our honeymoon :) <3

We nipped home quickly to wrap Harveys present and write his card, and then went to his 2nd birthday party which was lovely :)

When we got home we just chilled for a bit while Adam watched the match, then we nipped to south forest to pay some more of the wedding off, then went to the Dukeries for dinner :) So it was a rather lovely day :)

I been working out loads lately and eating really healthily, 200 sit ups a day, jogging, swimming, salad etc and we took all my measurements today, i have lost 5.5lb in 2 weeks!!! eeek! Im so excited! Wish it would come off faster though!

Must try harder :p

Friday 19 March 2010

Living the dream??

Anyone who knows me well will know that it has always been a big dream of mine to travel to have a gap year, and travel to poor countries to work in orphanages, teach in schools and help to build communtites.
At the moment, there are two main things which are stopping me:

After the wedding i am going to start a 'Living the dream' fund. I plan on putting a minimum of £5 per week to one side, to save for a trip of a lifetime.
The relationship side to it is a little more difficult. Ideally i would like to go for about 6 months, but would make do if i could do 3 weeks, but maybe once a year for a few years.
I would find it incredibly difficult to leave my family, especially Adam. So either, we would have to try and save double and work around jobs to allow us both to go, or we could have to come up with an effective way of communicating whilst i was away.

However i get there, i need to make sure it happens at some point in my life. I need to get out there and make a difference, i will not be content until i have done that.

My Dream = http://www.globalvolunteernetwork.org/kenya/

Friday 12 March 2010

I feel blue :(

Im fed up. Iv spent months trying a number of 'sensible' diet plans and got nowhere. Im done with doing it the sensible way now. It has achieved nothing. I refuse to spend whats meant to be the happiest day of my life feeling fat and horrible. I have 11 weeks to go, and want to lose AT LEAST 1 stone, if not 1.5 by then. I will do it! Nomatter what it takes i will do it.
